Company information
IRGO Consulting d. o. o.
Slovenčeva 93
SI—1000 Ljubljana
Director: dr. Vladimir Vukadin
Register number: 1305212000
ID for VAT: SI57488924
Bank accounts: SI56 2900 0005 0890 810 (UniCredit), SI56 0292 3005 1024 274 (NLB), SI56 0400 0027 7792 033 (OTP)
Phone: +386 (0)1 560 36 00
Email: info@irgo.si, ponudba@irgo.si
IRGO Institute for mining, geotechnology and environment
Slovenčeva 93
SI—1000 Ljubljana
Director: dr. Jože Ratej
Register number: 5051576000
ID for VAT: SI44739222
Bank accounts: SI56 2900 0005 0959 583 (UniCredit), SI56 0292 3001 4437 232 (NLB), SI56 0400 0027 7791 936 (OTP)
Phone: +386 (0)1 560 36 00
Email: info@irgo.si, ponudba@irgo.si
Field of activities
The Institute of Mining, Geotechnology and Environment and IRGO Consulting d.o.o. operate throughout the Republic of Slovenia and abroad: in Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Italy; in the past we have also worked in Russia and Croatia. We cooperate with various development and related institutions in Slovenia.
By investing steadily in our staff and equipment, we have become one of the top professionals in the geotechnical and mining industry in Slovenia. We have been involved in all major current projects, such as: the national highway construction programme, the railway programme, hydroelectric power plant construction, mine closures and natural disaster rehabilitation. We have produced designs for approximately 35 km of highway tunnels constructed at home and abroad. In the past decade, we have carried out geological and geomechanical investigations for several projects of national importance and, among others, designed the first regional waste management centre in Slovenia.
We plan with knowledge and care for the environment.
Knowledge is the source of our prosperity, so we nurture it, share it, transfer it to our environment and enrich it. We keep abreast of technological advances and continuously invest in equipment and staff training. We produce projects that are technically sophisticated, reliable and innovative. We advise according to the rules of the industry and with an upright moral attitude. We update our planning information equipment and instruments for laboratory and field geological-geomechanical research and environmental observation. We provide a friendly working environment.
International professional societies:
ITA - International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
ISSMGE - International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
ISRM - International Society for Rock Mechanics
Slovenian professional societies:
SloGeD - Slovenian geotechnical society
SLOCOLD - Slovenian national committee on large dams
SKIAH - Slovenian committee of the international association of hydrogeologists
Check out the work of our employees:
COBISS - Online bibliographical system and services
Check out our researchers:
SICRIS - Slovenian current research information system