Establishment of a research and development team at IRGO Consulting to develop a methodology for the characterisation of degraded areas
Project description
At the end of February 2015, we completed the Development of methodologies for the characterisation of degraded areas, which was carried out within the framework of the Strengthening Development Departments in Research Organisations project. The operation is partly co-financed by the European Social Fund under the Operational Programme for Human Resources Development 2007-2013, Development Priority 4: "Equality of Opportunities and Promotion of Social Inclusion" and Priority 4.3: "Raising the employability of vulnerable social groups in the field of culture and support for their social inclusion." The research group includes 6 members covering the following areas:
civil engineering (geotechnics),
geology (natural resources and environmental geology),
mechanics (numerical modelling),
mining and geotechnology (geotechnology).
Project goal
The aim of the operation is to improve the competitiveness of the company in the field of characterisation of degraded areas in terms of geotechnics and hydrogeology and identification of the current state of degradation. This field represents a major business and professional potential in the context of the initial and further phases of the development of certain degraded areas, intended for re-use as part of a strategy to exit the crisis.
The operation analysed the approaches and guidelines of environmental agencies in Slovenia and abroad for the characterisation of degraded areas, as well as the current practices of revitalisation of these areas.
Based on the analysis of the state of the art of field and laboratory measurements, we have approached the development of measurement methods that can be used to identify the specific properties and concentrations of the substances that we are dealing with in degraded areas.
We have developed software in Visual Basic and Visual Basic for Applications for the processing of the field measurements carried out, namely for the analysis of slug tests.
In Visual Basic for Applications, we have developed a program to solve some specific analytical equations for groundwater flow and contaminant transport in the saturated zone of an aquifer.
Through numerical modelling, we have established the construction of contaminant transport models in the complex unsaturated zone and in the saturated zone.
We have developed methodologies for investigation and monitoring of degraded areas and produced guidelines for more effective characterisation of degraded areas for land managers, surveyors and planners.
Technical properties
The operation Development of methodologies for the characterisation of degraded areas, implemented by IRGO Consulting d.o.o., is partly co-financed by the European Social Fund under the Operational Programme for the Development of Human Resources 2007-2013.
The operation was implemented from 27 January 2014 to 28 February 2015.
The contact person for information on the implementation of the operation is Dr Jože Ratej.
Project members
dr. Jože Ratej, engineer of geology – lead of the research group
dr. Nina Jurečič, engineer of geology,
mag. Gregor Vesel, engineer of mining and geotechnology,
mag. Alenka Potrč, engineer of construction,
Patricija Sluga, B. S. Geo,
David Narat, B. S. Geo.
Geomehanske meritve na degradiranem območju