Mining, Monitoring and Field Investigation Mining project for the implementation of the remediation "Monitoring programme in the RTH mining area for the period from 2018 to 2023"
Investment value: cca. € 1,8 mio
Our role: Mining designer
Year of the design of technical documentation: 2019
The mining project for the implementation of the Monitoring Programme in the area of the RTH PP has been developed for the medium-term period from the end of 2018 until the end of 2023. The established system for monitoring the impacts of mining has been analysed, updated accordingly, and detailed follow-up procedures for the implementation of the monitoring works have been provided, so that, in the final phase, areas suitable for further use in other activities are identified, or need to be adequately protected.
All applicable legislation, regulations and standards, as well as existing technical documentation, are taken into account. The geological and geotechnical data obtained from previous measurements in the field have also been taken into account in the design of the monitoring programme. On the basis of the existing situation, documentation and previous measurements, the micro-locations of additional measurement sites have been identified for each area, both for observations, measurements of displacements of inclinations or piezometers, and measurement sites for monitoring changes in geomechanical properties in the pit as well as on the surface.