Geological and geotechnical study on the composition of the soil and the method of construction and foundations of buildings - 3RO
Investor: DARS d. d.
Phase: conceptual design
Client: PNZ d. o. o.
Design of project documentation: September 2010
Projektant: mag. Albin Križnič, engineer of geology
Project lead: mag. Albin Križnič, engineer of geology
Object: A1 highway Šentilj-Koper to the border with the Republic of Austria; section No 2 from the SLOVENJ GRADEC SOUTH junction to the VELENJE junction
Project no.: Ic 279/10
Contr. value: € 440.000,00
VZD_geol 1 odsek SG Vodriž-2000-200
Project description
The section under consideration is 18.38 km long. Several structures are planned along the expressway, the link road, and the deviations: three tunnels, two cut-and-covers and several viaducts, bridges, overpasses, underpasses, culverts, excavations and embankments. Retaining walls and pile walls are planned locally to protect the banks.
The geological-geotechnical study is based on the results of the investigations carried out, taking into account the relevant results of previous investigations and the proposed design solutions. In addition, the geomorphological and litho-stratigraphical features and the related engineering-geological, structural-geological and hydrogeological conditions are taken into account.
On the basis of the geological and geomechanical data obtained, geomechanical characteristics were given for the characteristic rock and soil units, and conditions for the implementation of excavations, embankments, structures and the preparation of the foundation soils were given on the basis of the design solutions. Stability analyses have been carried out in the characteristic sections as well as the calculations of the bearing capacity of the underlying soils. In the area of the structures, the load capacity of the foundation soils for shallow foundations and the pile load capacity of selected dimensions depending on the depth for deep foundations are given.
The study also includes an engineering-geological map, characteristic cross-sections and longitudinal geological-geotechnical sections, inventories of boreholes and excavations with photographs, and the results of laboratory tests and stability calculations.
Technical properties
The field investigations included, among others, 97 boreholes, 14 piezometers, 33 trial excavations, 53 rock pressuremeters, 14 soil pressuremeters, 14 hydraulic tests, 20 CPTu probes, 4 dilatometric probes, 25 dynamic soil penetrations,...
Laboratory tests were carried out on 303 soil and rock samples.