Geological and geomechanical surveys for the construction of the railway track Divača - Koper II
Investor: Directorate for Investments in Public Railway Infrastructure of the Republic of Slovenia
Phase: obtainment of building permit
Client: Directorate for Investments in Public Railway Infrastructure of the Republic of Slovenia
Design of project documentation: 2009 – present
Project lead: dr. Vladimir Vukadin, engineer of geology
Inv. value: € 500.000.000
Contr. value: € 2.000.000
Project description
Carrying out geological, geomechanical, geophysical, hydrogeological and seismological investigations for the project documentation for the construction of the second track of the railway line Divača - Koper. We are acting as part of a consortium within the project. We are responsible for the geological, geomechanical, geophysical and hydrogeological investigations of the T2, T5 and T7 tunnels and the V2 viaduct. We are also responsible for a portion of drilling works.
Technical properties
More than half of the route is tunnelled, with one part of the route in carbonate rocks, where karst phenomena are well developed, and the other part in more tectonically fractured flysch rock.