Mining project for the mining concession at the Kompolje quarry
Our role: Mining designer
Year of the design of technical documentation: 2018
As a mining designer, we prepared the technical documentation for the mining concession based on the Mining Act and the TGT d.o.o. order. We have prepared the technical documentation for a 3ha big mining area. In addition to the content required by the Mining Technical Documentation Regulations, the technical part of the project also includes basic technological elements, such as occupational health and safety measures and a timetable for the implementation of the remediation works. The individual chapters deal with drainage, the protective embankment in front of the main road, the transport routes, the stability calculation of the final slopes, the calculation of the quantities of dolomite and overburden, the scraper mining, the biological reclamation of the quarry and the economic calculation. An appropriate number of plans, annexes and sketches have been drawn up in accordance with the textual description.